Saturday, May 10, 2008

Stolen from Emmy...

1) Spell your name without an E - easy: kirti :)
2) Are you currently in a relationship? no, but have my sights set :)
4) Do you like your life right now? yes and no (good answer, i'll stick with that!)
5) What was the last item you bought? A car...
6) What was the last thing you drank? water.
7) Who was the last person you hugged? my best buddy krissy :).
8) What are your piercings? one in each earlobe, one in my right upper ear.
9) do you think your breath smells? Dunno..
10) What plans do you have for tomorrow? Church, mother's day activities..
11) What do you hate? not knowing people here! I miss my friends :(
12) Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? the couch..
13) Are you texting anyone? jeffery.. and also mandy
14) Do you have a best friend? yep :)
15) How are things between you and your friends? not perfect, but then, what is? :)
16) What is your favorite romance movie? Moulin Rouge
17) What was the last compliment that you received? Hair.. definitely the hair
18) Do you forgive and forget? Yes, generally right away. It sometimes does more harm than good though.
19) Would you rather love with a guarantee of a heartbreak or never love at all? "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" - Moulin Rouge. My answer is DEFINITELY LOVE!
20) What is more important, happiness or trust? they're both equally important, and its hard to have one without the other
21) Has anyone close to you ever passed away? My dad (RIP)
22) What are you thinking about right now? thinking about going to bed, but not wanting to :)
23) Who was the last person to tell you they love you? one of my friends
24) Do you think they meant it? i think so :)
25) What time did you go to bed last night? 12:30, maybe.
26) What was the last movie you watched? Juno for like the fourth time :-D
27) What CD is in your stereo? I don't really have a stereo, I just my ipod. Hm.. in my car I think Vampire Weekend (they rule, listen to them!)
28) Has a friendship ended recently that you wish had not? Hasn't ended, really, but the distance was made way too far.
29) Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? depends on my mood
29) Are you a beach or a snowy mountain person? beach. I'm all about the water.
30) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? yeah.

1 comment:

Emily Dorchak said...

very intresting. ur in college right? aww. poor thing, u must miss ur friends! =( poor kitri!
i got the questionair from my friend, she put it on her myspace, lol. i like things like this. i think ill do some more soem day. =3 i think ur is very intresting. that vampire band is cool. me likes.